Type Alias IconsJSON

IconsJSON: {
    file: string;
    fileExtensions: Record<string, string>;
    fileNames: Record<string, string>;
    folder: string;
    folderExpanded: string;
    folderNames: Record<string, string>;
    folderNamesExpanded: Record<string, string>;
    languageIds: Record<string, string>;

Type declaration

  • file: string

    Default icon name for files

  • fileExtensions: Record<string, string>

    Mapping of file extensions to icon names (no leading dot)

    { "js": "javascript", "py": "python" }
  • fileNames: Record<string, string>

    Mapping of specific file names to icon names

    { "package.json": "nodejs", "dockerfile": "docker" }
  • folder: string

    Default icon name for folders

  • folderExpanded: string

    Default icon name for expanded folders

  • folderNames: Record<string, string>

    Mapping of folder names to icon names

    { "src": "folder-src", "test": "folder-test" }
  • folderNamesExpanded: Record<string, string>

    Mapping of expanded folder names to icon names

    { "node_modules": "folder-node-open", "dist": "folder-dist-open" }
  • languageIds: Record<string, string>

    Mapping of language IDs to icon names

    { "sql": "database", "plaintext": "document" }