Type Alias LanguageData

LanguageData: {
    ace_mode: string;
    aliases?: string[];
    codemirror_mime_type?: string;
    codemirror_mode?: string;
    color?: string;
    extensions?: string[];
    filenames?: string[];
    group?: string;
    interpreters?: string[];
    language_id: number;
    name: string;
    searchable?: boolean;
    tm_scope: string;
    type: string;
    wrap?: boolean;

Type declaration

  • ace_mode: string

    The mode used by the Ace editor for syntax highlighting (e.g. "text", "html", "javascript")

  • Optionalaliases?: string[]

    Alternative names for the language

  • Optionalcodemirror_mime_type?: string

    The MIME type used by CodeMirror

  • Optionalcodemirror_mode?: string

    The mode used by CodeMirror for syntax highlighting

  • Optionalcolor?: string

    The color associated with the language (usually a hex code example: '#000000')

  • Optionalextensions?: string[]

    File extensions associated with the language (always starts with a dot, e.g. ".js")

  • Optionalfilenames?: string[]

    Specific filenames associated with the language

  • Optionalgroup?: string

    The group the language belongs to (if any)

  • Optionalinterpreters?: string[]

    Interpreters used for the language

  • language_id: number

    A unique identifier for the language

  • name: string

    The name of the language (e.g. "JavaScript", "Python", "HTML")

  • Optionalsearchable?: boolean

    Whether the language is searchable

  • tm_scope: string

    The TextMate scope used for syntax highlighting

  • type: string

    The classification of the language (e.g., "programming", "markup", "data")

  • Optionalwrap?: boolean

    Whether the language should be wrapped (usually for prose languages)