Type Alias LanguagesJSON

LanguagesJSON: Record<string, LanguageData>

Represents a collection of language data, where each key is the LanguageData["name"] property (e.g., "JavaScript", "Python", "HTML") and the value is the corresponding LanguageData object.

This structure allows for easy lookup and access to language-specific information based on the language name. The key is case-sensitive and matches the "name" field in the LanguageData object.

const languagesJSON: LanguagesJSON = {
"JavaScript": {
language_id: 183,
name: "JavaScript",
type: "programming",
tm_scope: "source.js",
ace_mode: "javascript",
color: "#f1e05a",
extensions: [".js", ".mjs"],
// ... other properties
"Python": {
language_id: 303,
name: "Python",
type: "programming",
tm_scope: "source.python",
ace_mode: "python",
color: "#3572A5",
extensions: [".py", ".pyi"],
// ... other properties
// ... other languages